I've decided its time. A life filled with crazed people and unstoppable chaos- there is just too much on my mind and so little space to do it. I would keep a diary...but would loose the key. I would continue to write on Facebook, but let's be serious, "facebook" aka "creepbook" doesn't allow this lady to write ALL of her thoughts down in one post. I would talk with my kids more but we have this thing called "quiet time" in our house...where all of us, including me (MOM) have to be quiet for a couple hours in the afternoon...so this is my quiet time without opening my mouth and making noises.
Im easily entertained as are my thoughts. I have numerous random thoughts throughout the day- and know I cannot be alone on some of these thoughts, the difference is I share them and you don't.
So, lets laugh, lets enjoy the bizarre moments together. I invite you into "Just another Manic MOMDAY!" with me!