"I won't grow up, I won't grow up...I don't wanna wear a tie..." Peter Pan sang. In Never-Neverland, you aren't required to grow up is what I hear. After a night of filling our mouths with corn on the cob and cake. Sparklers, bon fires, laughter, bug spray and sitting amongst the stars above (wayyyy past bedtime). If I could speak on behalf of my children, nights like these even I would want to stay a kid forever.
One of my most favorite things to do is to watch my children from afar. Their expressions, their movements and their sweet lil voices are all captivating. The WONDER in their eyes twinkle as they are holding onto a sparkler. Nights like last night, I want my children to stay this age forever.
On our ride home both kids sat quietly and sweetly(more like exhausted) in the backseat. I could not help but smile at the silence:) When we arrived home both kids reluctantly got out of the car because they new what time it was: BEDTIME.
If you are a parent you probably have a child or two that does the WALK OF BEDTIME...you know where Im going with this? "I need a drink, Im hungry, I need a story, Oh man we forgot to pray Mom/Dad, my toe hurts, Im hot, Im cold, I need a blankie(even if this child is not use to having a "blankie" all the sudden he/she does), Im missing a pillow on my bed, I need to brush my teeth, it's too dark, it's too light..."
Last night, Max actually was doing an excellent job of following our directions. He had put his pajamas on and was talking to Casey in the kitchen. Earlier in the day he got to go to Chuck E Cheese, it was there that he recieved a card with a picture of him on it (kind of like a pretend credit card). He was figiting with his "credit card" aka his 'debit card' as he calls it. He looks over at his Dad and says...
Max: "You know what I need? I need a wallet."
Casey: "A wallet? Ok, bud, we will get you a wallet."
Max: "Yea, a wallet so I can put my debit card in it. Then I will take my wife and kids to Chuck E Cheese and we can all have our picture taken together there."
Casey: "Your wife? Kids? Who are they?"
Max: "DAD!, You know....my girlfriend Dad!"
Casey: "Who would that be?"
Max: " MY girlfriend TEA'!"
Casey: " Oh she is still your girlfriend?! Well, that will be nice"
Max: "Yea, When I grow up I am going to have a debit card, a wife named TEA' and kids and I am going to buy them all stuff at Chuck E Cheese, well, Im going to buy them lots of stuff. All I need is a wallet."
A wallet...that is all we need in life to have the following; a wife, kids and stuff from Chuck E Cheese! I think we have some more work to do...haha, but he at least knows the debit card part;) haha
So, I have to say when HE grows up(even though, this is hard for me to swallow)...I want my son to remember how generous and considerate he was at the age of 5 years old.
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